Bracco Italiano

Domare: Antonio di Lorenzo

Heinäaron Vento Della Lapponia SE 48085/2012
(Gunstrux Veni Vidi Vici- Heinäaron Alta Moda)
Äg Madeleine Edin, Köping
»Very good type. Needs better prop. skull, muzzle. Exc body, prop ang, croup, coat, topline. Strong bones. Typ movement.«
1:a m Hp, Bästa valp

Inspirations Palermo SE34321/2011
(SE V-10 NO V-10 NO UCH SE V-11 Heinäaron Amico Intimo- NO V-08 NO UCH Nuits Tiramisu)
Äg Rolf Andersson, Olofstorp
»Very good type. Needs better prop skull/muzzle. Profile all correct. Exc profile of muzzle. Maskuline expr. Square enough body, still immature chest. Exc croup and hind quarter. Good shoulder and movement.«
Exc 1

Ercole From Magnificos Kingdom RKF 2747732
(Mauro Compatriola Di Bonfini- RU CH Vivien Brioli From Magnificos Kingdom)
Äg M Tsyganova, Ryssland
»Very good type. Needs better profile, skull/muzzle, better shape of skull. Very good prop & croup. Needs stronger bones and more maskuline body. Too slim tail. Good movement.«
Vg 1

NO UCH NO V-10 SE V-10 SE V-11 Heinäaron Amico Intimo S68394/2008
(SK CH Galantuomo Di Caccipola- C.I.E RU CH Heinäaron Colli Di Parma)
Äg Madeleine Edin, Köping
»Very good type in prop skull, muzzle and profile. Needs better shape of skull. Very good profile of muzzle. Long enough ears, a bit heavy. Exc eyes. Too heavy lips. Exc bones, coat, croup and ang in front & rear. Good enough square body. Good movement.«
Exc 1, Ck, 1:a bhkl, CACIB, BIR

Ensemble Art Déco SE12510/2012
(Tips Bello Roberto – JWW-08 SE V-09 C.I.B SE UCH J NORD JV-08 DK UCH Ensemble Another Piece Of Art)
Äg Ann-Christin Skrucha, Kungälv
»Very good type & prop skull/muzzle. Square body. Big problem in the ribcage. Exc croup. Exc coat. Very good movement.«

Inspirations Rimini SE34323/2011
(SE V-10 NO V-10 NO UCH SE V-11 Heinäaron Amico Intimo- NO V-08 NO UCH Nuits Tiramisu)
Äg Lars Nilsson, Hunnebostrand
»Very good type. Fem. Good profile & proportion skull/muzzle. Needs much better shoulder standing and moving. Too slim. Needs deeper fore chest. Exc croup, coat. Good movement.«
Vg 1

Ensemble Paratus Et Fidelis S31384/2007
(Indiano Compatriota Di Bonfini – JWW-03 NORD & SE V-03 LP1 SE V-05 INT & SE UCH NO UCH Ensemble Acca Larentia)
Äg Ann-Christin Skrucha, Kungälv
»Excellent type, ears, profile, skull, muzzle. Could be squarer in body. Exc croup. Needs to be better ang in rear. Strong bones. Very good shoulder. Good movement.«
Exc 1, Ck, 1:a btkl, Cert, CACIB, BIM

JWW-08 SE V-09 C.I.B SE UCH J NORD JV-08 DK UCH Ensemble Another Piece Of Art S53950/2007
(JWW-08 SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Ensemble Apollon – C.I.B SE UCH SE JCH Delor de Ferrabouc Maria Elena)
Äg Kristina Ellström, Klågerup
»Exc type & profile & prop skull/muzzle. Square body. Well ang in front and rear. Exc chest. Very good movement.«
Exc 1, Ck, 2:a btkl, R-CACIB

C.I.E DK UCH J NO UCH SE VCH Ensemble Chamomilla S56481/2009
(J SE JCH Ensemble Pippis Lilla Gubben – NORD V-07 SE V-08 WW-08 C.I.B SE UCH NO UCH Ensemble Beccaccia)
Äg Tina Gavling, Olofstorp
»Exc type profile, prop, stop. Square body. Needs better croup and hindquarter, ribcage. Good shoulder. Strong bones. Needs stronger movement.«
Exc 2, Ck, 3:a btkl



Domare: Gabriel Valdés Valdez

NORD V-11 Donna Liberatas Hedvig S61717/2009
(Scoccio Ross Cynopolis- Libera Del Subasio)
Äg Irene Hjeltman, Gråbo
»One of the most beautiful heads I have ever seen in this breed. She doesn’t feel happy and comfortable in my ring today.«
Vg 1
